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Tag: Journaling

New Years Intentions

The Power of Intention When you’re clear on your intention, you take inspired action that’s in alignement with your words and truth. You also quickly manifest what you desire because…

The Power of Intention

When you’re clear on your intention, you take inspired action that’s in alignement with your words and truth. You also quickly manifest what you desire because you’re clearly putting out words and actions that are in alignment with the thing you want to attract into your life.

As we move towards the blank slate, that is presented to us as a new year, I am empowered by the possibilities. 2018 was a wonderful year- a year of new experiences, a year of learning and a year of encouragement. Looking forward I am excited to build on that foundation here on the blog, move forward with new adventures and make time for myself and my family a priority.

As we watch the ball drop on a great year and ring in a new one I want to be perfectly clear with myself and the universe. It is time to set my intentions to create a year worth mention.


Self-care is a term that got big for me in 2018. To define self-care: The act of taking time for yourself, forging your own path and making yourself a priority. In 2019 I am going to make more effort on me. This intention includes taking care of my physical body and taking care of my emotional body. For the physical body, I intend on increasing my activities levels (finallllllly using the gym membership 🙄😅) and taking the leap into the Keto Diet. This should be fun — stay tuned! 🙃 Next, for my emotional body, time in meditation and time spent doing things I LOVE are high on the list. 

I Can Do Anything NOT Everything

Next is a big one, that seems to be on my list of intentions more and more. However, I believe I have improved over the years, but of course, there is always room for more. Therefore, moving into the new year I intend on using my calendar to be more efficient with time and keep me on schedule. By planning ahead my intention is to avoid over obligation and prioritize my list of opportunities. In keeping the list in front of me and in context, I believe I will better manage my time. 


This blog has been such a great adventure over the past year. I have returned to my crafty soul, I have connected with wonderful people and I have created opportunities for myself. The most exciting announcement of 2019 is that I will be joining the Young Living Family! I have used Essential Oils consistently for about two years and have fallen more and more in faith with them. I have learned so much and am eager to learn more – and of course, share my journey with you!

Throughout the next year on the blog, I intend on widening my network, refining my brand and keeping one foot in front of the other. As a dreamer, it is easy for me to jump to the ‘happily ever after’, as January nears I intend to stay focused and work in the moment. 

Family Time is the BEST Time

2019 is a big year for our family. Our daughter will start her senior year of high school in the fall. With that comes all the emotions, ones I can’t even grasp yet 😭. Looking to 2019 I intend on taking every available opportunity to play together and make memories as a family. We have some fun plans here and there and a whole lot of spontaneity in the middle. Reveling in the moment whether it is big or small is my intention for the year. From soaking in – the belly laughs, the boo-boos that need bandaging and the wonder of her becoming a woman – it is going to be a wondrous year!


What are your intentions for the new year? 

Blessing for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year to you and yours.



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Tips to Stay Organized & On Task

Lately, it feels like life is spinning faster and faster, that there is always something more I should be doing and that there will never be enough time. As I…

Lately, it feels like life is spinning faster and faster, that there is always something more I should be doing and that there will never be enough time. As I work to manage this spinning top I have found some useful organizational tips to keep myself on task.

Step One: Write Everything Down

The first step in processing life as we know it today is to get everything that is swirling around your head down on paper. Many times I will feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of things running through my head. By putting pen to paper often times the list is much LESS daunting than I thought it was.

Step Two: Prioritize The List

Taking the time to empty your thoughts can truly be therapeutic. Once the items are on the list take the time to prioritize them. I have found a very useful tool to help prioritize your tasks. This tool uses the box below and is known as The Eisenhower Matrix (explained beautifully here on

Eisenhower Matrix

Step Three: Assess Overall Value & Time Consumption

Review your (now prioritized) list and weigh each 1st Quadrant item based on its overall value and the time it will take to complete. For example, if sending a calendar invite gets the ball rolling for an important meeting choose that over getting your notes and presentation perfected for the said meeting. Choose the items that can be completed the quickest and will get you closer to your goal.

Step Four: Be Flexible

This one is important – for you and those around you. Life is constantly changing, we all know that, and working from a list can sometimes heighten a person’s OCD tendencies. 🙋🏻🙋🏻🙋🏻As you formulate and complete your list be open to new items, new priorities and overall change. The more flexible you are towards these changes the better you will respond and redirect. As these changes come into your life, use the matrix to work it into your plan.

Step Five: Eliminate

Removing items from the list that are not important or urgent is crucial for maximum productivity. Your time is valuable and you need to be sure to spend it in a manner that will get you where you want to go. As you move through your list reevaluate – you might find that items get moved into the 4th Quadrant as you get more done. Don’t be afraid to cut things from the list.


How do you stay organized and on task?

Are you a list person? Planner person? I want to know, tell me below!



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Daily Gratitude’s – The Best Way To End Your Day

Many years ago I began the practice of journaling my daily gratitude’s. Daily gratitude’s are the practice of writing down the things you are thankful for in the 30 minutes…

Many years ago I began the practice of journaling my daily gratitude’s. Daily gratitude’s are the practice of writing down the things you are thankful for in the 30 minutes before bed, every day.  I will be honest there are times where I do it every day… and there are times when my notebook collects dust. Although, I can always tell when I stop. Taking the time to process the things that are good in your life tells the universe what you appreciate and what you desire more of.

Daily gratitude’s give a clear and concise direction to the universe.

In the beginning, I advocate creating a list 10 things. Big or small, just ten items that you are thankful for in that day.


For example:

January 25, 2018

  •         Today I am thankful for a dependable car.
  •         Today I am thankful for a full fridge.
  •         Today I am thankful the dog used the restroom outside.
  •         Today I am thankful the meter had money in it when I parked.
  •         Today I am thankful the coffee was hot.
  •         Today I am thankful my phone charged.
  •         Today I am thankful for free wifi at lunch.
  •         Today I am thankful for an empty sink.
  •         Today I am thankful the sun came out.
  •         Today I am thankful I am going to bed on time.

Thank you Thank you Thank you

I recommend keeping your notebook by your bedside table to keep the process convenient to your routine.  As your list of 10 things becomes easier work to expand, eventually filling the page or even spreading on to the next page. Set a goal and write until you reach it, every night.

As you practice your gratitude’s you will start to see shifts in your universe, be aware of them and know that you are making the changes.

Give it a try and let me know what you think! I’d love to hear what changes you observe!



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