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Tag: Gratitude

Presence Over Presents This Holiday Season

As we enter November and the holidays arrive quickly I wanted to take a moment to talk about truly putting presence over presents. This year it feels like Thanksgiving is…

As we enter November and the holidays arrive quickly I wanted to take a moment to talk about truly putting presence over presents. This year it feels like Thanksgiving is earlier than ever! Two weeks from today, how did that happen – I feel like we were just taking First Day of School pictures!? In addition to the time going faster, it also feels like we as a population are doing more, constantly running from one thing to another. With the fast pace of life these days and the never-ending to-do list it is hard to believe we take the time to enjoy anything.


Presence as defined by Urban Dictionary:


Living in the one singular moment. Elimination from the mind obsessed creation of time. No time. Pure consciousness.
One singular moment. Living in the now. What would life look like for you if you just took a moment to live in the now? Would you be hungry? Would you be joyful? Would you be lonely? Taking the time to evaluate the moment and the emotion/feeling you have in it can work to best serve your future self. So often we keep ourselves running, constantly thinking of the next thing as a way to distract ourselves from the needs of the moment.  Perhaps if we listen, we could tend to ourselves the way we often tend to everyone else. 
No time. Elimination from the mind obsessed creation of time. This to me is the most profound part of the definition, the creation of time. When I stop and think about the implication of that statement it almost stops me in my tracks. This point is so true I hate to admit it. We constantly create deadlines, schedules and plans based around different timelines that WE CREATE. Perhaps if we took time out of the equation the opportunity to accomplish our task would be less stressful and more enjoyable. If we just let the obsession subside and truly believed that there was more than enough time for it all, perhaps there would be.


As the Wish Lists grow longer and longer, keep in mind that kids won’t remember 80% of Christmas morning six months later. What they will remember is making cinnamon rolls with grammy or playing Rummy with their cousins. 

Pressuring ourselves to cross off their Wish Lists for things they often don’t need or won’t use is killing the spirit of Christmas for many of us. It’s pushing us past the point of Jolly Old Elf and into the category of Scrouge. And the worst part? It is all self-driven and unnecessary!

My Promise

As the holidays approach I am making a promise to myself. A promise to experience the moment to the fullest. To listen to the needs of the moment and work to meet them. To embrace those around me and really listen to what they have to say. To enjoy a cocktail with an old friend. To be silly and do ‘kid stuff’ with the nieces and nephews. To embrace my family in all their dysfunction and glory – because this is now, these are my people and this is our story. 
Good luck my wonderful friends! Cheers to the most wonderful time of the year!
May your cup always be filled with coffee, your Prime orders always on time and your Target always be open!
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How to Reframe Life With Daily Gratitude’s

There are times in life where we are presented with difficult situations and/or challenging people. In these instances it is often times easier to live in the negativity instead of…

There are times in life where we are presented with difficult situations and/or challenging people. In these instances it is often times easier to live in the negativity instead of finding a way to reframe the experience. Daily gratitude’s are one of the ways I work to process through those moments and reframe life.


As a junior in college I was faced with a very challenging professor. For the longest time I dwelled in how “hard the class was” and how “impossible the teacher was”. Round and round I went down the rabbit hole until one day when venting my employer pulled me aside and gave me some advice. She told me to pick ONE thing, it did not matter how small. Pick ONE thing that you like about the person or the situation. Start small and really hone in on that particular detail. She told me the more I practiced, the more that positive feeling would consume my thoughts and wash out the negativity. So the next class period I spent most of the lecture identifying that one thing… I’ll be honest I don’t have a clue what she was teaching that day. But by the end of class I had decided that she had excellent taste in shoes. LOL. That was it; I would focus my energy on appreciating her taste in footwear. 🤷🏻 Every day I would come to class, excited to see what pair of shoes she’d be wearing — from her Burberry ankle booties to her Marc Jacobs wedges. This practice kept me interested and in a positive place, class after class. After successfully passing her classes and even learning to like the professor I realized this was the key to anything uncomfortable I might face.

Nowadays I am long past ‘particular’ professors but I still encounter similar situations. I have learned to add these reframes in to my nightly gratitude routine. Nightly gratitude’s are the practice of writing down the things you are thankful for in the 30 minutes before bed, every day. Doing so seeds positivity for the future and gives a firm direction for the universe.

If I have a challenging situation or person, I focus two to five gratitude’s specific to that instance. For example; “Today I am thankful my new job has comfortable chairs” or “Today I am thankful my boss was busy in meetings”.😂 Mixing these gratitude’s in with my already flowing list of positive items creates for a powerful change.

Give it a try and let me know what you see!

I’d love to hear more in the comments below.


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Daily Gratitude’s – The Best Way To End Your Day

Many years ago I began the practice of journaling my daily gratitude’s. Daily gratitude’s are the practice of writing down the things you are thankful for in the 30 minutes…

Many years ago I began the practice of journaling my daily gratitude’s. Daily gratitude’s are the practice of writing down the things you are thankful for in the 30 minutes before bed, every day.  I will be honest there are times where I do it every day… and there are times when my notebook collects dust. Although, I can always tell when I stop. Taking the time to process the things that are good in your life tells the universe what you appreciate and what you desire more of.

Daily gratitude’s give a clear and concise direction to the universe.

In the beginning, I advocate creating a list 10 things. Big or small, just ten items that you are thankful for in that day.


For example:

January 25, 2018

  •         Today I am thankful for a dependable car.
  •         Today I am thankful for a full fridge.
  •         Today I am thankful the dog used the restroom outside.
  •         Today I am thankful the meter had money in it when I parked.
  •         Today I am thankful the coffee was hot.
  •         Today I am thankful my phone charged.
  •         Today I am thankful for free wifi at lunch.
  •         Today I am thankful for an empty sink.
  •         Today I am thankful the sun came out.
  •         Today I am thankful I am going to bed on time.

Thank you Thank you Thank you

I recommend keeping your notebook by your bedside table to keep the process convenient to your routine.  As your list of 10 things becomes easier work to expand, eventually filling the page or even spreading on to the next page. Set a goal and write until you reach it, every night.

As you practice your gratitude’s you will start to see shifts in your universe, be aware of them and know that you are making the changes.

Give it a try and let me know what you think! I’d love to hear what changes you observe!



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