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Creating the life you dream of, one essential oil at a time. Your complete guide to everything Young Living Essential Oils. Located in Dallas, Texas, USA.

Category: W E L L N E S S

Tips to Stay Organized & On Task

Lately, it feels like life is spinning faster and faster, that there is always something more I should be doing and that there will never be enough time. As I…

Lately, it feels like life is spinning faster and faster, that there is always something more I should be doing and that there will never be enough time. As I work to manage this spinning top I have found some useful organizational tips to keep myself on task.

Step One: Write Everything Down

The first step in processing life as we know it today is to get everything that is swirling around your head down on paper. Many times I will feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of things running through my head. By putting pen to paper often times the list is much LESS daunting than I thought it was.

Step Two: Prioritize The List

Taking the time to empty your thoughts can truly be therapeutic. Once the items are on the list take the time to prioritize them. I have found a very useful tool to help prioritize your tasks. This tool uses the box below and is known as The Eisenhower Matrix (explained beautifully here on

Eisenhower Matrix

Step Three: Assess Overall Value & Time Consumption

Review your (now prioritized) list and weigh each 1st Quadrant item based on its overall value and the time it will take to complete. For example, if sending a calendar invite gets the ball rolling for an important meeting choose that over getting your notes and presentation perfected for the said meeting. Choose the items that can be completed the quickest and will get you closer to your goal.

Step Four: Be Flexible

This one is important – for you and those around you. Life is constantly changing, we all know that, and working from a list can sometimes heighten a person’s OCD tendencies. πŸ™‹πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»As you formulate and complete your list be open to new items, new priorities and overall change. The more flexible you are towards these changes the better you will respond and redirect. As these changes come into your life, use the matrix to work it into your plan.

Step Five: Eliminate

Removing items from the list that are not important or urgent is crucial for maximum productivity. Your time is valuable and you need to be sure to spend it in a manner that will get you where you want to go. As you move through your list reevaluate – you might find that items get moved into the 4th Quadrant as you get more done. Don’t be afraid to cut things from the list.


How do you stay organized and on task?

Are you a list person? Planner person? I want to know, tell me below!



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An Introduction to Wellness Through Essential Oils

I got my first diffuser for Christmas 2016 (shout out to the in-laws πŸ™ŒπŸΌ) and made my first Young Living purchase in Spring of 2017. From that moment I haven’t looked…

I got my first diffuser for Christmas 2016 (shout out to the in-laws πŸ™ŒπŸΌ) and made my first Young Living purchase in Spring of 2017. From that moment I haven’t looked back! Collecting one or two oils a month and learning as I go. Essential oils are so versatile and beneficial so I decided to start a new category here at πŸŽ‰ A category where we talk about overall wellness and learn together about essential oils!

What are essential oils?

esΒ·senΒ·tial oil
Ι™Λˆsen(t)SHΙ™l oil/
plural noun: essential oils
a natural oil typically obtained by distillation and having the characteristic fragrance of the plant or other source from which it is extracted.
In other words, an oil derived from a natural substance, usually either for its healing properties or aroma.
Intro to Essential Oils

How are essential oils extracted?

Essential oils are extracted through distillation. Distillation is the process of purifying a liquid by heating and cooling. This process takes raw materials, under pressure and heats them up using steam. Inside the tank water vapor containing the essential oil condenses as it makes contact with cold surfaces within the tank. The condensation is then drained into a holding tank where the water and oil naturally separate. The water is removed leaving the pure essential oil that we love so much.   

The amount of raw materials it takes to create these pure essential oils is shocking! For example, to extract one 15 mL bottle of YL Lemon oil it takes the rine of 75 lemons. πŸ˜³


That’s right, 75 lemons! Crazy to think what all goes into each and every bottle!

Intro to Essential Oils


Common Uses for Essential Oils

There are three ways to use essential oils: Topically, Aromatically and Internally. Over the next couple months we will delve into each one, but for today I just wanted to touch on each on briefly (As those blog posts are added, I will link them here for quick navigation.)

  • Topically: Essential oils are easily absorbed through the skin. Using essential oils by applying to the skin is a great way to see fast results. Once the oil is applied to the skin it is absorbed and enters the bloodstream almost immediately.
    • 🚨Essential oils should almost always be diluted before being used topically – we’ll talk more about dilution soon!
  • Aromatically: Essential oils are great for use in your diffuser, in a hot shower or perfume. Essential oils in an aromatic form affect the human body by activating the Olfactory Nerve which in turns activates the Limbic System. The Limbic System is a complex system that controls mood and instinct. By activating this system through essential oils you can experience changes in emotion. 
  • Internally: There are some essential oils like the Young Living Vitality line that are diluted for safe consumption right out of the bottle. These are great to add to hot tea, dessert or dinner. In addition to their health benefits, essential oils can provide wonderful flavor due to their purity. 
    • 🚨Some pure essential oils can be used internally if researched properly.  Ingestion of essential oils can be a powerful treatment but can also cause irritation if done incorrectly.

Below are common uses for five of my favorite oils!

5 Essential Oils for Beginners

Do you use essential oils in your home? Do you have specific questions about essential oils?

Let me know if the comments below!



4,089 Comments on An Introduction to Wellness Through Essential Oils

Mindful Screen Time – A lesson in being present

So often in my daily life I feel conflicted about whether to document life toward my blog goals or just be present and experience life first hand. As I build…

So often in my daily life I feel conflicted about whether to document life toward my blog goals or just be present and experience life first hand. As I build my brand, I feel especially torn.

All of these thoughts have circled to a head as the hubster and I head to Hawaii for a dear friend’s wedding. To gram or not to gram, that is the question?


As I debate with myself on how much time is too much I found these simple tricks to make my screen time more intentional.

Limit Notifications

All too often I will download a new app and feel pressured into β€œAllowing Notifications” – I can’t be the only one, right?! Days, weeks and even months later I still have daily notification from apps I used once (hello Wayfair 🀷🏻).

It was amazing to actually see the amount of apps I had allowed notifications for. Before our trip I sat down with the list and really evaluated if notifications were necessary.  On those that I deemed necessary I then went one step further and carefully chose the kind of notification each app would require. Only those apps with the highest priority received access to my lock screen.

My hope is that by reducing the amount of lock screen notifications I will be able to leave my phone unattended for longer periods of time. I often feel addicted to the constant screen glow – it’s a rush!

Be Intentional

Decide before you unlock your device, why you are logging on. Make a mental note of your tasks and stick to it. Work to keep you mind focused and on task.

By being intentional with my time I have created a world where I can allow myself to be both engaged and unplugged. #balance

Budget Screen Time

Decide how much time you need to achieve your list of tasks, be realistic and then set a timer. I prefer to set my timer for 10 minutes prior to my desired budget. For me it’s all about the warning – and choosing how I spend those last few moments. Allowing me to prioritize my final work, I feel more accomplished come that final bell.

On occasion that budgeted time turns out to not be enough, knowing that it is okay is half of the battle. Evaluate what you were unable to do and work it in to another budgeted session later in the day.

I do find it valuable to not run over the time. You have to respect the time limit otherwise this practice will be ineffective. The more you work with time lines the better you will be with handling tasks in an efficient manner.

Moments are Fleeting, Don’t be Wasteful

There are many times I reach for my phone for distraction instead of productivity. Saturday mornings, for example, you can often find me β€œstuck” in Instagram Story loops for hooouurrrssss. It’s unhealthy and unproductive but I love it! My weekend guilty pleasure – my weekly check in with all the beautiful people that create my Instagram community. Although I believe you should allow yourself these indulgences, timing is everything.

This weekend I have promise myself to put down the phone and not get stuck. In addition, I promise to not scroll aimlessly, a vow to myself in search for new experience and opportunities. There are billions of humans on this planet. This weekend I will work to make connections, to breathe life into strangers and grow from the friends I make along the way.

Be Bored

Last but certainly not least I feel it is important to allow yourself to sit still, be in silence and perhaps even be bored. In today’s world we are constantly bombarded noise. When given the chance don’t be afraid to just be.

There is growth, peace and wonder in silence. Boredom often opens the tool box of creativity. Take these moments to breathe and enjoy the simple pleasures; a hot cup of coffee, the grip of a loved one’s hand or perhaps a smile from a passerby.

See what there is to find in that silence, allow your mind to play. You’ll be glad you did.




3,187 Comments on Mindful Screen Time – A lesson in being present

10 Steps To Simplify Your Home And Office

As I get older it becomes more apparent how many things we purchase with no specific need in mind. Although I can see it happening, for some reason, it seems…

As I get older it becomes more apparent how many things we purchase with no specific need in mind. Although I can see it happening, for some reason, it seems impossible to stop! πŸ™ˆπŸ™ƒ Today we are talking about ways to consciously simplify life at home and the office. Baby steps, if you will, towards living the minimalist lifestyle. 

5 Steps to Simplify at Home

  1. Empty out and organize your handbag or wallet.
  2. Empty out and organize your Junk Drawer.
  3. Thoroughly review your book/cd/dvd collection and downsize.
  4. Minimize stacks of paper by switching to paperless billing and recycling old magazines. 
  5. Clear off ALL the horizontal surfaces in the room, one room at a time. 

How Do I Decide What to Keep?

Ask yourself these 5 questions:

When was the last time I used this?
(If jt’s been more than 9 months – donate).

What is the worst thing that could happen if I donate this item?

Can life go on without this item?

Could this item be MORE useful to someone else?

Does this item bring joy to my life?

5 Steps to Simplify at The Office

  1. Take the time to organize all the files and photographs into proper folders on your computer.
  2. Unsubscribe from email lists that no longer interest you (or entice you to purchase more 😈).
  3. Work to minimize the number of tabs you have open at any given time.
  4. Create a follow-up email folder to keep you organized and on top of your tasks.
  5. De-clutter your work desk.


These steps are only the beginning but at least we’re stepping in the right direction. πŸ‘£

How did you go Minimalist? Let me know below.




3,938 Comments on 10 Steps To Simplify Your Home And Office

How To Invest When You Feel Like Your Broke

I’m at the point in my life where I know I should be saving, planning for the future – yet I’d prefer to spend my money on a new life…

I’m at the point in my life where I know I should be saving, planning for the future – yet I’d prefer to spend my money on a new life experience. Does anyone know when my adult programming will kick in and I will actively want to save for my future? Please let a girl know. πŸ™‹πŸ» For the time being, I have discovered a life hack. A way to plan for my future without affecting my present. By downloading the Acorns App and connecting it with my spending habits I have been able to continually save for the past six months.

How It Works

Acorns is an app that is easy to download in the iPhone App Store or Google Play Store. Once downloaded the app is super user-friendly and easy to navigate. Within the app, you can link your bank accounts, credit cards, and even PayPal accounts. Everywhere you spend money on the daily you can link. There is no limit to the number of accounts. Once your accounts are linked Acorns will automatically begin investing your spare change. 

Spare chage or “Round Ups” (as they’re called in the app) are the cent’s left over from every purchase.

Invest with Acorns

For example, if you go to Starbucks and spend $ 3.86 on your favorite hot beverage, Acorns will automatically round that transaction to the nearest dollar and invest the change ($ 0.14).  Acorns will keep track of these roundups and then withdraw them when your round ups total $ 5.00. 

Acorns does charge a service fee of $ 1.00/month. This fee covers the administrative cost of your account. It is also good to mention that this monthly fee does increase once your account totals more than $ 5,000.00.

Slow and Steady Growth

As someone with zero investment experience or knowledge Acorns has given me the opportunity to dip my toe in the water. I opened my account on December 1st with $ 5.00 seed money and now today my account totals over $ 300.00. Penny by penny I have built an investment/savings account. The best part is because it’s fully automated – I literally set it and forget it. So easy.

Invest with Acorns

One of my favorite aspects of this app is the “Potential” tab. This tab shows you a hypothetical picture of what your account will look like in 5, 10, 30+ years if you continue to save at your current rate. In addition, you can set a goal, say $ 100,000 by the time you are 65. You can click the “Change My Future” button, plug in your goal and it will show you what you need to save to meet that goal.  Now, of course, the chart displayed is not guaranteed, but it is helpful when planning for the future. 

Invest with Acorns

Of course, the goal of an investment account is to continually add money and then to ride the market as a way to help with long-term goals – but, if/when you need to pull from your Acorns account you can. Not only can you withdraw the money, there is no transaction fee (this service is covered in the monthly dues).  πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Investment Options

Acorns let’s you choose from five investment profile ranging from Conservative to Risky. When you open your account the app will walk you through a brief survey to identify the best investment profile for you. You can, however, chose a different profile if you disagree with the result of the survey. Once again everything is so easy. In the realm of #adulting, I’ll take alllll the easy options! πŸ’―πŸ˜‚

Free Seed Money

This is the BEST part of Acorns! By clicking the link below Acorns with GIVE YOU $ 5.00 for FREE! Not only that, but by clicking below, I also get $ 5.00! That’s what I call a win-win! πŸ’ƒπŸ•Ί

Once you set up your account you’ll also receive a shareable link so you can share Acorns with your friends and family!


Invest With Acorns





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