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Category: M I N D F U L N E S S

Daily Gratitude’s – The Best Way To End Your Day

Many years ago I began the practice of journaling my daily gratitude’s. Daily gratitude’s are the practice of writing down the things you are thankful for in the 30 minutes…

Many years ago I began the practice of journaling my daily gratitude’s. Daily gratitude’s are the practice of writing down the things you are thankful for in the 30 minutes before bed, every day.  I will be honest there are times where I do it every day… and there are times when my notebook collects dust. Although, I can always tell when I stop. Taking the time to process the things that are good in your life tells the universe what you appreciate and what you desire more of.

Daily gratitude’s give a clear and concise direction to the universe.

In the beginning, I advocate creating a list 10 things. Big or small, just ten items that you are thankful for in that day.


For example:

January 25, 2018

  •         Today I am thankful for a dependable car.
  •         Today I am thankful for a full fridge.
  •         Today I am thankful the dog used the restroom outside.
  •         Today I am thankful the meter had money in it when I parked.
  •         Today I am thankful the coffee was hot.
  •         Today I am thankful my phone charged.
  •         Today I am thankful for free wifi at lunch.
  •         Today I am thankful for an empty sink.
  •         Today I am thankful the sun came out.
  •         Today I am thankful I am going to bed on time.

Thank you Thank you Thank you

I recommend keeping your notebook by your bedside table to keep the process convenient to your routine.  As your list of 10 things becomes easier work to expand, eventually filling the page or even spreading on to the next page. Set a goal and write until you reach it, every night.

As you practice your gratitude’s you will start to see shifts in your universe, be aware of them and know that you are making the changes.

Give it a try and let me know what you think! I’d love to hear what changes you observe!



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Why Must We Always Over Analyze?

As I start this blogging journey it only seems fit to begin with a post on “Analysis Paralysis”. What is analysis paralysis, you ask? Analysis paralysis is the constant circle…

As I start this blogging journey it only seems fit to begin with a post on “Analysis Paralysis”.

What is analysis paralysis, you ask? Analysis paralysis is the constant circle of create and recreate, edit and analyze, begin and begin again. The strive for perfection can be paralyzing, so how do we get around it?

As an entrepreneur we have to find realistic ways to manage this condition and somehow use it to our advantage. (i.e. using it as my very first post topic *mic drop 😂.)

In a world full of beautiful Instagram feeds and hours upon hours of YouTube videos it is easy to get caught up. Taking a step back from the temptation to open yet another tab, is possibly the most difficult but most rewarding action of all. Knowing that deep down you have what it takes, you know your voice and that you have something meaningful to share with the world is why we’re here.

So break the paralysis, jump in the deep end and enjoy the ride.

We’re not here for a long time, 
We’re here for a good time” -Huey Luis



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